This tutorial was written on 27th April, 2007 by Trixie.
For this tutorial you will need:
PSP9 but can be achieved by using any version of PSP
A graphic of your choice. (A tube over a plain background works well)
Silver Pattern here
Filters Unlimited 2
Alf's Border FX
Plugins can be downloaded here
Right click and save the silver pattern to your pattern folder.
O.k..........let's get started!
1. Open up the graphic you will be framing and go to Window/Duplicate. Close original as we shall be working with the duplicate.
2. Resize grapic if necessary.
3. Image/Add border/2px Symetric - using a colour not in your graphic.
4. Select border with Magic Wand - using these settings:
5. Flood Fill with Silver Pattern.
6. Selections/Invert
7. Effects/3d Effects/Cutout - using these settings:
8. Repeat Cutout but this time change the V & H to -2 (minus 2)
9. Select/Select none.
10. Image/Add border/2px Symetric - Black.
11. Image/Add border/2px Symetric - White.
12. Select border with Magic Wand using same settings as above.
13. Flood Fill with Silver Pattern using same settings as above. Select, select none.
14. Image/Add border/30px Symetric - White.
15. Select border with Magic Wand using same settings as above.
16. Flood Fill border with a light to medium colour from your graphic.
17. Effects/Plugins/Alf's Border FX/Mirror Bevel - using the following settings:
18. Select/Select none.
19. Select the outer edge of frame with Magic Wand using same settings as above.
20. Effects/Plugins/Filters Unlimited 2/Buttons and Frames/Flower Frame/Glass Frame 1.
21. Select/Select none.
22. Image/Add border/2px Symetric - Black.
23. Image/Add border/2px Symetric - White.
24. Flood Fill border with Silver Pattern.
25. Image/Add border/2px Symetric - Black.
26. Image/Add border/2px Symetric - White.
27. Flood Fill with Silver Pattern.
28. Image/Add border/1px Symetric - Black.
29. Resize if necessary.
30. Add your Watermark and you're done!
Another example by Trixie:
Examples by Lea: