This tutorial was written 9th May, 2007 by Trixie.  


For this tutorial you will need the following:
PSP9 but can be achieved using any version of PSP.
A graphic of your choice.
Gold Pattern here
Corners (optional)
Simple filters
Penta filters
Plugins can be downloaded here
Right click and save the gold pattern to your pattern folder.
O.k.....Let's get started!
1.    Open your graphic in  PSP.  Window/Duplicate and close the original.
 2.    Resize graphic if necessary.  (350px high is ideal)
 3.    Image/Add border -3px symmetric - using a colour that is not in your graphic.
 4.    Select border with Magic Wand - using these settings:
5.    Flood Fill border with Gold Pattern.
6.    Selections/Invert.
 7.    Effects/3d Effects/Cutout - using these settings:
8.    Repeat Cutout but this time change the H & V to
-2 (minus 2)
 9.    Image/Add border - 1px black
10.    Image/Add border - 3px white
11.    Select border with Magic Wand and Flood Fill with Gold Pattern.
12.    Selections/Select none.
13.    Image/Add border - 30px - using a colour from your graphic.
14.    Effects/Plugins/Simple/Zoom out and Flip.
15.    Adjust/Blur/Gaussian Blur - Radius 10.
16.    Effects/Distortion Effects/Spiky Halo - using these settings:
17.    Selections/Select none.
18.    Repeat Steps 3 to 12 inclusive.
19.    Image/Add border - 20px - using colour as in Step 13.
20.    Select border with Magic Wand.
21.    Effects/Plugins/Penta/Jeans - using these settings:
22.    Effects/3d Effects/Inner Bevel - using these settings:
23.    Selections/Select none.
24.    Image/Add border - 3px white.
25.    Select border with Magic Wand and Flood Fill with Gold Pattern.
26.    Image/Add border - 1px black.
27.    Image/Add border - 3px white.
28.    Select border with Magic Wand and Flood Fill with Gold Pattern.
29.    Add Corners (optional).  Activate Corner - Edit/Copy.
30.    Activate framed graphic - Edit/Paste/Paste as New Layer.
31.    With the Mover tool, place Corner in top left corner of frame (see my finished frame).
32.    Effects/3d Effects/Drop Shadow - using these settings:
33.    Effects/Plugins/Simple/Top Left Mirror.  You should now have a Corner in each of the four corners on your frame.
34.    Resize framed graphic if necessary, add your Watermark and you're done!
Another example:
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