This tutorial was written on 13th October, 2004 by Trixie.


For this tutorial, you will need the following:

PSP9 but can be achieved using version 8.

Graphic of you choice.

Silver Pattern here

Gold Pattern here


Save the Silver or Gold Pattern in your Patterns Folder.


O.K. Let's get started!


1.  Open up the graphic you will be framing.  Go to Window/Duplicate and close the original.


2.  Resize graphic if necessary.


3.  Load up the Silver pattern in the Foreground of the Materials Palette and use these settings:

4.  Using your Dropper Tool, choose a colour from your graphic and place it in the Background of the Materials Palette.


5.  Image/Add a 2px border symmetrical with a colour that is not in your graphic and Select the border with the Magic Wand.  RGB Value/Tolerance 0/Feather0.


6.  Flood Fill with Silver or Gold Pattern.


7.  Selections/Invert.


8.  Effects/3D Effects/Cut out and use these settings:

9.  Repeat Cut out but this time change the V & H to -2 (minus 2).


10.  Selections/Select None.


11.  Image/Add a 2px border with you chosen colour.


12.  Repeat Steps 5, 6 and 7.


13.  Image/Add a 20px border with your chosen colour and Select with Magic Wand.


14.  Effects/Geometric Effects/Cylinder - Vertical/Strength 50%.


15.  Selections/Select None.


16.  With the Magic Wand, Select the top part as shown in screenshot.

You should now have marching ants top and bottom.


17.  Effects/Geometric Effects/Cylinder - Horizontal/Strength 50%.  Keep Selected.


18.  Adjust/Blur/Gaussien Blur/5.0.


19.  Selections/Select None.


20.  Repeat Steps 5, 6 and 7.


21.  Effects/3D Effects/Drop Shadow and use this setting:

22.  Repeat Drop Shadow but this time change the V & H to -2 (minus 2).


23.  Selections/Select None.


24.  Image/Add a 2px border with chosen colour.


25.  Repeat Steps 5, 6 and 7.


That's it!  Your'e done!  I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.




Leanne's example

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